Thursday, 12 September 2013

Million dollar baby (Genre research)

The genre I decided to do my research on was sports drama. Million dollar baby is a film that fits perfectly well within this genre. The film is a boxing themed film made in 2004 by Clint Eastwood, staring Eastwood, Hilary Swank, Morgan freeman is based on 31 year old waitress who works hard to pursue her dreams on becoming a female boxer. Along the way she faces many difficulties and it almost seemed impossible for her to achieve her dream. The film is classified as a Sports Drama due to the fact that it portrays typical conventions of a sports drama film for instance we could say the strong boxing theme though out the film makes the sports genre more obvious. The film exhibits real life situations with realistic characters settings, and stories, it portrays journeys of character development, intense social interactions and the film has the ability to move the audience emotionally.

The film was most popular in 2004- 06. some may argue that the film did soo well due to the fact that it resemble the film 'Rocky' which is also a sports drama. Rocky already had a strong fan base and the similarity of the two films attracted fans to buy Million dolllar baby. Further more the idea of women competing in a sports like boxing was slowly being accepted during the years the film came out, this made people curious because Million dollar baby is not your average stereotypical sports drama, it feathers a number of twists and turns .

Finally, another factor which contributed to the popularity of the film was the women's European boxing championships, The games were all largely enjoyed by many viewers and gave people a different perception of women competing for the boxing championships.

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