Tuesday, 25 March 2014

List of keyterms I came across during the making of the opening sequence.

Key terms I learnt during the making of the project.

A system of society in which the father or the oldest male is the head.

A system of society where by the mother is seen as the head or dominate figure.

A spoken or written account of connected events.
eg, A gripping narrative

The attitude or practice of accepting situations as it is and being prepared to deal with it accordingly.
eg, The summit was marked by a new mood of realism

International movies Data-base

1, Relating to, compose of or involving two things.

Making or intended to make profit.

The assembled listeners at a public event such a play, film, concert or meeting.
Audience can also mean the group of people which a media product is targeted at.

Ensemble cast:
A group musicians actors or dancers who perform together.

You see the main character(s) in their daily life, gaining a sense of their ‘big dream’.

Rising Action:
The steps they take to achieve their goal.

The part where the story either has a good or bad ending.

Falling Action:
Everything between the Climax and Resolution.

How they solve the ‘big problem.

A way to communicate with others. Usually associated with it being received to a mass audience.

A subdivision of genre; Slapstick Comedy, Romantic Comedy, Zombie Horror.

Hybrid Genre:
The combination of two or more genres; Comedy/Horror, Western/Science-Fiction.

A familiar stock of images or motifs associated with a particular genre, the connotations of which have become fixed.

Media Institutions:
The corporate side of the media; like Sky.

The study of signs and symbols and their representation. Also, how they are used.

Arbitrary Relation:
When the symbol does not look like the index.

Hyper real:
Exaggerated in comparison to reality
eg, 'His characters are hyper-real rather than naturalistic.

The record of descent of a person or thing.

Ruling or dominant in a political or social context.

Bond Franchise:
A bond that insures a government, state or organisation against loss due to a franchise holders failure to complete work specified in the franchise grant.

The widely recognised way of doing something - this has to do with content, style and form
eg the conventions of music video.

The way in which technologies and institutions come together in order to create something new. Cinema is the result of the convergence of photography, moving pictures and sound. The iPad represents the convergence of books, TV, maps, the internet and the mobile phone.

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